모바일 토글 버튼 - 모바일 메뉴 닫기

Design & Specification Control

(주)앤써는 모든 이해관계자의 부가가치 극대화를 목표로 플랜트의 새로운 가치를 창출하고 있습니다. 기획, 설계 제작, 운영 등 모든 분야의 역량을 강화함으로써 글로벌 수주 경쟁력을 더욱 키워가고 있습니다.
DESIGN & SPEGFICATIONCONTROL - Design calculations & fabrication Drawings By ASME, CSEL, KGS, BV, PED, etc
PRODUCTION REALIZING - Manufacturer's Data Report - Welding Control
- Purchase Order Requisition - Heat Treatment Control (Instruction)
- Purchase Order for Material - Surface Treatment Control
- Material Control
RECORD RETENTION - Manufacturer's Data Report - NDE Report and films
- Fabrication Drawings - Repair Procedure and records.
- Material Test Report and certification - Traveler
- Pressure parts Documentations - Heat Treatment records and test results
- Welding Procedure Specification - NCR and Disposition
- Procedure Qualification Record - Pressure Test records
EXAMINATION & INSPECTION SYSTEM - Inspection & Test PlanyProcedure - Nondestructive Examination
- Receiving Inspection for Material - Pressure Test & Leak Test
- MTR Venification - Calibration Control of Measuring & Test Equipment
- Welding Visual & Suitability Examination
- Design calculations & fabrication Drawings By ASME, CSEL, KGS, BV, PED, etc
- Purchase Order Specification
- Purchase Order Requisition
- Purchase Order for Material
- Material Control
- Welding Control
- Heat Treatment Control (Instruction)
- Surface Treatment Control
- Manufacturer's Data Report
- Fabrication Drawings
- Material Test Report and certification
- Pressure parts Documentations
- Welding Procedure Specification
- Procedure Qualification Record
- NDE Report and films
- Repair Procedure and records.
- Traveler
- Heat Treatment records and test results
- NCR and Disposition
- Pressure Test records
- Inspection & Test PlanyProcedure
- Receiving Inspection for Material
- MTR Venification
- Welding Visual & Suitability Examination
- Nondestructive Examination
- Pressure Test & Leak Test
- Calibration Control of Measuring & Test Equipment